Gifted & Talented Courses


• The Art of Dealing with People
• Leadership Skills for Current Times
• Instructional Coaching in the Real World: Scenarios and Solutions
• Coaching Challenging Clients: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
• Providing Effective Feedback to Students and Adults


The Art of Dealing with People >> SELECT THIS COURSE
Public school employees, including receptionists, nurses, para-professionals, administrative assistants, and secretaries, must be able to deal with people, including parents, co-workers, and community members, with grace and poise. Sometimes this includes being able to diffuse or de-escalate difficult situations. This six-hour online professional development course will give participants practical tips and suggestions for handling challenges in a manner where there can be a win-win for all involved.

Leadership Skills for Current Times >> SELECT THIS COURSE
Are you in a position of leadership on your campus? Do you wonder how you can work with various personalities in order to impact positive change for students? Have you ever had to work with difficult people to try and make a difference at your school? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, this six-hour online course is for you.

Instructional Coaching in the Real World: Scenarios and Solutions >> SELECT THIS COURSE
Instructional coaching can be both rewarding and frustrating! This six-hour online training offers real-world scenarios and specific ways to deal with situations that may seem to be unsolvable. Participants in this class will benefit from the past experiences of other coaches to gain perspective into being the best instructional coach possible

Coaching Challenging Clients: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly >> SELECT THIS COURSE
Not all teachers make good clients for an instructional coach. However, these individuals may be exactly the ones who need the most assistance and support. This six-hour online course will give specific ideas for how to deal with those teacher clients who can be the most challenging while working to build positive and effective relationships with them

Providing Effective Feedback to Students and Adults >> SELECT THIS COURSE
This course is designed to assist educators in offering feedback to students, parents, and peers with success. Based on current research and best practices, feedback is contrasted to evaluation, with the focus being to improve learning. Specific tips for how and when to offer feedback are shared. This six-hour professional development class will benefit both those new to teaching, as well as veterans. A Certificate of Completion for six-hours of professional development credit will be awarded upon the successful completion of the course.

Back to our full list of course collections.